About 30 years, 8 months, and 5 days ago I was ALIVE for the first time. I came kicking and screaming (as most newborns do). My parents gave birth to a boy named Beau Alan Ballard in Temple, TX at King's Daughter Hospital. I also became a younger brother to Bradley Wayne Ballard (hope my brother does not mind me telling his full name) for the first and only time in my life! I was born into a heritage that dates back many years. My father's family had a heritage. My mother's family had a heritage. Not only did I have parents, but I had grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. Also, about 3 years later, for the first and only time I had a younger sister (Crystal Nicole Ballard). As I learned about these families, I learned that there is a legacy; a rich environment in which I am a part of. It does not revolve around me, but I contribute to this legacy and heritage.
As I grow and become a dashing and charming young man, I contribute to this legacy. Not only was I born into this heritage, I contribute to it again by marrying a stunning woman named Erica Anne Thomas. We are joined for life and we contribute as a couple and add Elijah, then Sadie. They are our children. They become ALIVE for the first time when they are born.
I again became ALIVE for the first time 15 years and about 11 months ago. I was "born of water and of Spirit" - John 3. I was born into a family that had a long lasting heritage that dated back many years. I have brothers and sisters, but only one Father. There is a legacy with this family. This family cries and laughs together. We smile and frown together. We explore and sit together. We eat and fast together. We drink and thirst together. We work and play together. When this family hurts, I hurt. This family does not revolve around me, but I contribute to this legacy and heritage. All this is possible because one man, who is the Son in this family, surrendered and became obedient to His Father. I don't deserve a place in this family, but my Father desires for me to be a part of this family. He holds me just as I hold Elijah and Sadie and loves me. He scolds me when I need a redirection. His Spirit counsels me when I need guidance. His love is never ending! All this is a rich heritage to which I am a part of.
But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us ALIVE with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. - Ephesians 2:5